Over 40 With A Pimply Face? What To Do When Middle-Aged Acne Ruins Your Skin

Are you concerned with how your skin both looks and feels? Learn how a dermatologist can help improve the health of your skin.

Over 40 With A Pimply Face? What To Do When Middle-Aged Acne Ruins Your Skin

Over 40 With A Pimply Face? What To Do When Middle-Aged Acne Ruins Your Skin

13 September 2016
, Articles

Adult acne can be embarrassing and frustrating, especially if you survived your teenage years with great-looking, blemish-free skin. However, numerous factors can lead to the development of severe acne on your face, chest, and back when you reach middle age. Handling serious outbreaks of acne that lead to scarring can turn into a debilitating exercise if you do not learn about the causes of skin issues and treat them properly.

If you are at your wit's end because of the condition of your skin, the following guide on cystic acne can serve as your outline to healing your skin and preventing blemishes.

Don't Pick and Pop

Acne bumps can turn into itchy lesions that also cause a burning sensation, especially if there are clumps of them on your skin. When they itch, it may be hard to resist scratching and picking at the bumps. However, this is among the worst things you can do if you want to avoid an infection and scarring that takes months to heal.

When you pick at acne, you push bacteria, dead skin cells and excess oil deeper into your skin. You are inadvertently spreading the infected material to the area around the pimple and creating the perfect conditions for even more acne lesions.

If you are a compulsive picker, you may be suffering from a condition called dermatillomania. Simple ways to avoid picking at your skin include keeping your hands busy with other things like a stress ball, wearing facial masks when you are at home and wearing gloves when you go to bed to avoid scratching your skin when you sleep. There are also support groups for people who are compulsive skin pickers.

Rethink Your Diet and Exercise

Your diet can play a big role in the condition of your skin. When you visit a dermatologist to get help, they will query you about your eating habits to get clues as to why you are experiencing severe acne.

Processed foods, as well as sugar, white bread, pastas, and white rice can increase the amount of insulin your body produces. The excess insulin contributes to the growth of cells that can clog your pores and increase oil production in your glands. So if you consume a large amount of these types of foods, consider cutting back and replacing them with healthier items such as vegetables and whole grains.

If you do not drink a lot of water during the day, you need to modify that habit as well. Drinking water is an easy way to flush out toxins and hydrate your skin, two things that can help to deter acne breakouts.

A busy, high-stress life with little to no exercise also contributes to adult acne breakouts. If you feel you are too busy to get in a significant stretch of time to exercise during the day, consider exercising at 10-minute intervals. Studies show that even short bursts of exercise are helpful for improving your health. You can even download apps for your smartphone with easy-to-follow videos for effective seven-minute exercise regimens.

Examine Your Hair and Beauty Products

Another thing your dermatologist may ask you about during your first visit is the type of hair and beauty products you use. You may be surprised to find out that your favorite brands are actually enemies to your skin. Even organic, natural products that are staples of some beauty and haircare aficionados can cause acne in some people.

So before you head to your dermatologist appointment, make a list of all of the products that you use on your skin and hair along with their ingredients. Many manufacturers will list the ingredients of the products on their website so you can just cut and paste the list into a document and print it out.

Popular makeup and hair care websites also provide ingredient lists in their product review articles. Your doctor will be able to tell you what products are problematic and suggest or prescribe healthier options for you skin. 

For more advice, talk to a dermatologist at a location like Associated Skin Care Specialists.

About Me
Improving My Skin

When I was a teenager, my skin was absolutely unsightly. I didn't know how to improve it, but I did know that I needed to meet with a dermatologist. Instead of ignoring the issue, I decided to tackle my acne head-on. I talked to my parents about taking me to the doctor, and they obliged. The doctor diagnosed me with cystic acne and gave me some medication that really helped to alleviate my pain and discomfort. This blog is all about improving your skin by seeking proper medical care. You never know, by making a few simple changes, you might be able to feel more comfortable.
